Andrew Elaban

Andrew Elaban is a Cincinnati based artist who creates patient and unfolding modular synth compositions.

Elaban’s compositions “Variegated Tributary” and “Woven Crescent” are remarkable pieces of modular synth created music that offer an exploded view into Elaban’s creative process. We hear granular synthesis catching flight, decaying tones in a constant state of dying and resurrecting, melodies surfacing like glints of sunlight on placid water and electronic churning of noise gates shutting on and off with algorithmic regularity.



There’s so, so much to be heard; there’s deep washes, teetering on the edge of distortion a la Tim Hecker, dazzlingly bright; stuttering crackle, melodic figures buried in the density, never allowed to escape from their service to the whole. Single notes pick out a melody and are themselves half-subsumed. There’s rounded filtering which at times suggests a flow through a tunnel.